Workshop 19: Quantum Computing

Programme Committee:

General Chair. Artur Ekert (University of Oxford, UK),
Local Chair. Richard Jozsa (University of Plymouth, UK),


The following introduction is taken from an article in Scientific American.
The sub-atomic world, where particles are not solid objects so much as smears of probability, may seem counterintuitive, even illogical. But since the early 1980's, a number of scientists (starting with the late Richard Feynman) have been thinking through schemes to exploit the oddball laws of quantum physics to rational ends; their goal is to create a radically new kind of computer, one far smaller and swifter than any modern silicon device. Though a functional "quantum computer" still lies beyond the grasp of current technology, a succession of theoretical and practical advances suggests some heartening progress toward that goal.

This workshop welcomes papers on all aspects of quantum computing.

Topics of interest include: